Scoring System

I'll grade on 5 areas (Cleanliness, Originality, Design, Privacy & Other) then give the restroom a final score. Each area can earn a 1 - 5 (with 1 being very poor and 5 being wonderful).

1. Cleanliness - can I use it without having to wear rubber gloves?

2. Originality - anything unique or is it just the basic toilet, sink, & mirror?

3. Design - Is it modern, retro, HGTV worthy?

4. Privacy - Does it compare to sitting in a hole in prison or being at home?

5. Other - Anything else I think worthy to score!

August 20, 2010

Restroom #1 - Work

We've all had this experience - it's 2:00 pm, you've enjoyed your huge Subway Turkey sub during lunch time and just finished your grande Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte and suddenly you feel it coming. You hope you could hold out until after work or, if you're like me, try to figure out another place close by that has a restroom you could use. Too late, you must go NOW. I try to avoid going number 2 in any public restroom - seriously. It's almost an emotional issue if I have to go and at work to boot, but like Annie says "when you gotta go, you gotta go"! After a few "fake pees" because someone else was in the restroom when I went in to poo (rule #1 of pooing in public: make sure the restroom is empty) I finally secure a spot in a stall after everyone leaves. I force out all I can as quick as possible before someone enters again - but sometimes I'm not so lucky and some ass (excuses the pun) has to come in and pee or worse, use the other stall! I will sit there as long as possible and wait until I'm alone again to finish and well you know, clean things up. This has happened a few time while at my office which is why for my first rating I pick the restroom at my office.

Score Card
I work in a clean, nice high rise in Seattle but there is only ONE Men's restroom with only two stalls. Therefore the score immediately comes down. Size is huge for me - when I say size I'm talking about the size of the restroom here - so the smaller it gets especially when it's not private I have no choice but to score low.

Cleanliness = 4.5 (cleaned several times a day)

Originality = 2 (nothing special here)

Design = 3 (for an office restroom it's not so bad)

Privacy = 1 (much to small to be anything but a 1)

Other = 0 (hey it's work...what more can I score on?)

TOTAL for Work Restroom = 10.5 (out of 25)

Final thoughts: I use it because I have to and they do try to make it enjoyable but mark my words - I don't enjoy it...ever!

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