Scoring System

I'll grade on 5 areas (Cleanliness, Originality, Design, Privacy & Other) then give the restroom a final score. Each area can earn a 1 - 5 (with 1 being very poor and 5 being wonderful).

1. Cleanliness - can I use it without having to wear rubber gloves?

2. Originality - anything unique or is it just the basic toilet, sink, & mirror?

3. Design - Is it modern, retro, HGTV worthy?

4. Privacy - Does it compare to sitting in a hole in prison or being at home?

5. Other - Anything else I think worthy to score!

September 9, 2010

The Crescent Lounge - Seattle, WA

Who doesn't love a night of drinks and karaoke?  It's rare that you'll see (or hear for that matter) me at the mic in front of a bunch of drunk strangers but I love going and being one of the drunk strangers to braver, better singers than I.

The Crescent Lounge on Capitol Hill is a great place to drink, listen, drink, laugh, sing-a-long, drink, and of course with all that drinking...pee. 

The restroom...seriously people, it's about as private as peeing in a hallway.  You know if you've read the other blog posts privacy is huge for me which means The Crescent isn't scoring high on privacy - can a restroom get negative points?

The women's restroom is a bit better but doesn't allow for much in the way of "sneaking off to the restroom" because the door is along the back side of the wall.  The same wall several drunk people are leaning against.  The same wall that is highlighted with an annoyingly too bright of a light.  If you are lucky you'll have to shuffle through the drunk strangers and ask them to move so you can open the door.   Once inside it must be somewhat better since there is, how shall I put this...A DOOR.

The men's restroom is as I stated before, like going in a hallway.  Because it is a hallway! This picture I snapped quickly with my phone doesn't do justice to the privacy issue. I'm actually standing in the "doorway" of the restroom which is just behind the bar along the same wall as the women's facility.  So everyone on the left side of the bar could see me taking this photo which means...they can see me pee.  Okay I might be exaggerating a little...but it's no Quinn's (see earlier post about Quinn's).

While a bad rendition of "Express Yourself" by Madonna fills the bar, I express myself by going to the restroom.  If you look closely in the photo you'll see there is a door to the #2 area.  This does nothing to comfort my fear of having to actually go #2 while at The Crescent. Let's be real, there is no way in HELL I'd go #2 while I was there.  I just couldn't do it.

Score Card

Cleanliness = 3

Originality = 1 (it's like they forgot about restrooms so had to add them at the last minute before they opened!)

Design = 2

Privacy = 1

Karaoke = 3.5 (I'm trying to be positive here)

The Crescent Lounge Total = 10.5 (out of 25)

Final Thoughts: Go for strong drinks & great karaoke - but be sure to drink a lot before going. That way you can deal with the karaoke and having to use the restroom because you drank so much to handle using the restroom.  What?